
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Book one Scary and mysterious stories and unsolved cases.By Makayla and Leo and Yavnit.Part 1

Hi guy's this is my first story I made hope you like it.

Chapter 1.Ghosts.

When we played basketball we saw everyone's ghost fly outside of their body.I felt scared.Then we felt shivers up our spines.Then we started to get our water guns out.We started squirting out water at the ghosts.Ashleigh screamed.Then we got all of them away.Then we grabbed all of the candy.We went outside.

Chapter 2.Haunted 

 One morning we were trick or treating when we saw a scary house. We went inside. I felt awkward.I saw ghosts and vampires.I threw my onion at the vampire.We threw a water bomb at the ghost.We left casper at the haunted house.He was gone.We gave him a funeral.We all cried.We put flowers on his grave.We put a photo of james and casper together.We all said may you rest in peace casper.But his ghost flew up and did the loser dance.
Chapter 3 The creepy one hooked man.  

One day I was driving  with my friends and just eating some peanuts then I heard a breaking news report about a creepy hooked man running around at night I said 
“ Nuh uh I'm not driving around at night when there is a creepy hook man walking around at night”.Ashleigh said aww c'mon we will get are weapons to defeat him.I said we only use are weapons for killing monsters going on dangerous trips.And saving people.Ashleigh said please!I said ok fine.James said we already lost casper we don’t wanna lose anyone else.I said we will get someone to help us defeat the man under the crimes!James said ok I will drive back to base.I went to get the weapons.Ashleigh went out to get the snacks.Then we went to the movies.We started eating the snacks.The hooked man came.I used one of my wizard's spell.omuls oks nouse.Then everyone fell asleep.Except for Ashleigh and James.We shot are guns at him.He was made out of steel.We used are fire bomb.He never was seen again.We saw his ghost fly up.

Chapter 4.Creepy carnival.(We add someone else in the story!!!!!!)

One day we went to a carnival.I said guys wanna go on to the rollercoaster?.Ashleigh and James say ok.We saw Jherean and riley.We asked him if they  wanted to go to.They said yes.We went on there.We each got a seat in the rollercoaster.The roller coaster suddenly stopped.We all started wobble.We jumped out of the window with a parachute.We went to the fortune teller.We saw a card pop out.We read it out loud it said may your friends rest in peace.Because I will destroy you all.Another card popped out.May you have fun with all you’re dead enemies.I asked james for is lighter and I got it the lighter out and threw at it.We saw lots of cards burning.We all ran to the car.We went inside.We got are seatbelts on.James drove us to are HQ.

Chapter 5 The Roblox virus.
Me and James and Leo and Ashleigh got our computers and started to  play roblox and then it started to glitch. “James said Nuh uh i'm not fixin it” Before he spoke he said “I take it back” [We fell into roblox] Leo said [what game you want to play.] I said [WE ARE IN A GAME AND WE CAN’T CHANGE IT!]  [Ya I know it’s awesome] said Ashleigh I screamed [ WE ARE STUCK IN A GAME!] James said [Uh oh we have to move] Me ashleigh leo said [Why?] James said [PIGGY’S HERE!].We all rushed and hid.Piggy said creep [Where are you im coming for you ]Ashleigh said quietly in sign language [We should move we are stuck in a  shed with spiders].I said in sign language [Let’s go then already]James said in sign language [SHOOT LET’S MOVE ONES ON MEH].We moved fast.Piggy struck so fast I said in sign language [Go on without me].Piggy got james and left.We got logged out of the game To Be Continued Until further notice.


  1. Hello Makayla.WOW! what a lot of work has gone into this L O N G story.You used some interesting words that made me want to read on.I am so glad I didn't read this story at night.I don't think I would of got much sleep.I need to know where this story got their hot chocolates from as they are cheap.Maybe next time you could make the print smaller as it would blend your story better.Have a great break away from school and I look forward to more of your blog posts.

    1. Thanks Mrs Cassidy for commenting and I hope you have a great long 4 week's of no school and I think there's no such thing as 50000 hot chocolates that would be $23.Bye and thanks for the comment!

    2. Good morning Makayla.Thanks for replying.I hope you are having a great time off school with your family.What things do you enjoy doing when you aren't at school?.I am putting a 1000 piece puzzle together.

    3. Wow Amazing maybe 1000 piece puzzle would be a challenge

  2. Kia ora Makayla, thanks for sharing. You have used some good vocabulary and have used punctuation quite consistently. I agree with Mrs cassidy about the size of your font. Hope you keep blogging during the break.
    Mr Roberts

    1. Thank you Mr Roberts.I would work on pt 2 now

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Makayla. I deleted my other message to you as I hadn't checked my spelling. I am just leaving this message so you know that I have had a look at your blog today.

  5. Hi Makayla. Great story, you have worked hard on this and used some good descriptive words. Perhaps next time you could look at some different sentence starters as you have started many of your sentences with "I". How many people do you have in your bubble? I have 4 people and my dog. Have a good day, I am missing your smiley face :)

  6. Hello Makayla. This morning I got up early and went next door to finish trimming the neighbours trees.She is in my bubble so I am allowed to visit her.She is such a lovely person.I will be going back tomorrow, when the green bin gets emptied so I can trim her rose bushes.
    What exciting things have you been doing these holidays?.I look forward to hearing from you.

  7. Hello Makayla.The sun is out and it's a beautiful day.I took Salt for a walk this morning while there weren't too many people in Waterloo Park.
    Later on I will be going over to see my neighbour.She is in my bubble so it's alright that I see her.I like to check on my neighbour to make sure she doesn't need anything from the shop.
    What do you have planned for today?.I look forward to hearing from you.

  8. Good morning Makayla.
    The sun is out and school starts tomorrow.We will be doing 'distance learning' instead of actually going to school.I can't wait to read about what you have been doing these holidays and I hope all goes well for the learning on the chrome books.
    Have a lovely week.

  9. Good morning Makayla.
    Did you join in this morning, on the computer,with the others for karakia?.I am pretty sure I saw your face pop up.
    It was a pretty good turn out.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

  10. WOW! Makayla that is big story you could turn it into a book and get famous for the youngest book righter maybe.

    1. hahaha you make laugh no one would look at this

    2. And How would I get famous cause not like someone would want me to be an author


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