
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

SnapShot Writing

Hello Guys This was my story in my own words and it was really awesome and if you can comment please do it.Here is the story



  1. When I first saw this picture Makayla I almost screamed!That spider is HUGE and I was worried it was real.I then scrolled down the page a bit and realised it was only photo shopped.Thank goodness!..
    well done on using some great descriptive words.

    1. Thanks Mrs Cassidy I had writers blank because it was so hard to think of what write I started to lie on the ground and think then it all came to me.

  2. Hello Makayla, I really liked your snapshot PICTURE. While I was reading your post I was thinking if I was in that situation. But the advice I could give you for your WRITING is that you could use more punctuation, you should make sure it makes sense and have more full stops.

  3. hi makayla this pictrue looks cool he you got yourself the spider and palf it looks cool.

    1. Thank your tyrone but what do you mean by palf or did you mean path?
      Have a great day!


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